  • Pain Remover
    • Pain Remover
    • Pain Remover

    • £9.99
    • It is important to know that pain alerts the brain to a possible serious condition and even though pain can be controlled people should not loose the point that the brain is giving. However, through the use of this hypnosis MP3 download, you can be enabled to lessen the severity and move comfortably through life. Please note: this session is…
  • Stop Smoking
    • Stop Smoking
    • Stop Smoking

    • £9.99
    • Smoking is a powerful addiction which can be difficult to break without help. Smoking is a bad habit, as you have discovered. You find yourself regularly smoking in certain situations, for example whilst driving, after a meal, whilst writing a letter, on the telephone or socialising with friends. This Mp3 is designed to assist you in stopping smoking. Warning: Mp3s…
  • Weight Management
    • Weight Management
    • Weight Management

    • £9.99
    • Good news, you can rid weight and attain your ideal shape and size no more feelings that you are having to deprive yourself. Hypnosis can help to reprogram your mind so that you only want to eat as little or as much as is necessary for you to fuel your body and attain your ideal self. It's also a very…